On November 22, 2024, the SEC’s Division of Enforcement announced its Enforcement Results for Fiscal Year 2024. For key takeaways for fund managers, read our post on Proskauer’s The Capital Commitment blog.
SEC Enforcement
Court Upholds SEC’s Victory in “Shadow Trading” Case
A federal court in California refused to grant a judgment or a new trial to a defendant who was found to have engaged in insider trading when he purchased securities of one company based on material nonpublic information (“MNPI”) about a different company. The September 9, 2024 decision in SEC v. Panuwat (N.D. Cal.) leaves intact a jury verdict that could embolden the SEC to pursue more claims of “shadow trading,” which involves trading the securities of a public company that was not the direct subject of the MNPI but whose stock price allegedly was affected by a “spillover” impact from that information.
Supreme Court Bars SEC Administrative Proceedings for Civil Penalties
The U.S. Supreme Court held that the Seventh Amendment to the U.S. Constitution entitles a defendant to a jury trial when the Securities and Exchange Commission seeks to impose civil penalties for violations of the federal securities laws. The decision in SEC v. Jarkesy means that the SEC must file enforcement actions in federal court, rather than before an administrative law judge, when it seeks civil penalties for alleged securities fraud.
SEC Wins Insider Trading Suit Alleging “Shadow Trading”
A federal jury in California agreed with the SEC that a corporate official engaged in insider trading when he purchased securities of a company based on material nonpublic information (“MNPI”) about a different company. The April 5, 2024 verdict for the SEC in SEC v. Panuwat (N.D. Cal.) could embolden the SEC to pursue more claims of “shadow trading,” which involves trading the securities of a public company that is not the direct subject of the MNPI but whose stock price allegedly would be affected by that news.
SEC Defeats Summary Judgment in Insider-Trading Suit Alleging “Shadow Trading”
The SEC defeated a motion for summary judgment brought by a defendant whom the SEC accused of engaging in insider trading based on news about a not-yet-public corporate acquisition when he purchased securities of a company not involved in that deal. The November 20, 2023 decision in SEC v. Panuwat (N.D. Cal.) keeps alive the SEC’s theory of “shadow trading,” which involves trading the securities of a public company that is not the direct subject of the material nonpublic information (“MNPI”) at issue.
The Panuwat decision does not appear to break new ground under the misappropriation theory of insider trading in light of the particular facts alleged. But the “shadow trading” theory warrants attention because it can potentially have wide-ranging ramifications for traders by broadening the scope of the types of nonpublic information that might be deemed material.
Words Matter: Three Key Steps to Mitigate SEC Enforcement Risks Relating to Whistleblower Carveout Language
Since 2015, the SEC has brought nearly two dozen enforcement actions for violations of the whistleblower protection rules under Rule 21F-17(a) against employers for actions taken to impede reporting to the SEC. The bulk of these actions have focused on language in employee-facing agreements that allegedly discouraged such reporting. The…
Words Matter: Three Key Steps to Mitigate SEC Enforcement Risks Relating to Whistleblower Carveout Language
Since 2015, the SEC has brought nearly two dozen enforcement actions for violations of the whistleblower protection rules under Rule 21F-17(a) against employers for actions taken to impede reporting to the SEC. The bulk of these actions have focused on language in employee-facing agreements that allegedly discouraged such reporting.The SEC…